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Plastic Free July

June has just ended, and with the end of the first summer month came the end of what for us has been the busiest time of the year: the Ocean Month.

In these 30 days, like in the other 335, we did not stop thinking for a second about the Ocean, in an effort to spread more and more of our values: love and respect for the sea, the essential source of life. We gave life to our first screening with VD News, we were guests at the headquarters of Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli  at the workshop organized in collaboration with the artist Max Lamb, we finally saw our partnership with the Genoa Aquarium come to fruition. 

July has crossed the gates, and with the first of the month we can say that Plastic Free July has officially started. The challenge will run for 31 days and aims to push consumers to minimize the use of single-use plastics in order to adopt alternative and sustainable practices in their daily routines. The first Plastic Free July was established by Rebecca Prince-Ruiz, its founder, and some members of the Western Australian Government. It is amazing how, from being a small campaign in Australia, it has come to be known and promoted worldwide, involving millions of participants who are increasing year after year. 

Plastic Free July is a global movement that supports millions of people in feeling part of the solution to the plastic pollution problem by putting the individual at the center, a key part of the change needed to defeat climate change. Indeed, by subscribing to their platform, one can receive and exchange tips every week on how to reduce one's use of single-use plastics in every context (home, school, work, and sports), so as to stay energized and motivated. Without any doubt, the goal is to extend this initiative to the rest of the year to make our daily actions the starting point for institutions and companies to find a global solution.

Ogyre this July will strive to make it easier for you to achieve a plastic-free life by providing some tips, here some.


Some tips on how to eliminate single-use plastic at home.

Use reusable shopping bags: Instead of accepting plastic bags at the store, bring your own reusable bags for groceries and other shopping.

Opt for a refillable water bottle: Invest in a durable water bottle and fill it up with tap water instead of buying single-use plastic water bottles.

Say no to plastic straws: Switch to using reusable metal, bamboo, or glass straws, or simply enjoy your drinks without a straw.

Choose glass or stainless steel containers: Instead of storing food in plastic containers, opt for glass or stainless steel containers that can be reused and are better for the environment.

Use cloth napkins and towels: Replace paper napkins and paper towels with cloth alternatives that can be washed and reused.

Avoid single-use plastic packaging: Look for products with minimal or no plastic packaging. Choose items that are sold in bulk or packaged in paper or other sustainable materials.

Make your own cleaning products: Reduce plastic waste by making your own cleaning products using simple ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils. Store them in reusable containers.

Buy in bulk: Purchase food and household items in bulk to reduce packaging waste. Bring your own reusable bags or containers to the store.

Spread the word: Share your plastic-free journey with others and encourage them to join in reducing single-use plastic at home.


Here are some tips on how to eliminate single-use plastic at work:

Bring your own reusable water bottle: Instead of using disposable plastic cups or bottles, bring your own refillable water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Use a reusable coffee cup: If you're a coffee or tea drinker, bring a reusable mug or cup to the office to avoid using disposable cups provided by the workplace.

Pack your lunch in reusable containers: Instead of relying on single-use plastic bags or containers for your lunch, use reusable containers to pack your meals and snacks.

Say no to plastic cutlery: Keep a set of reusable utensils at your desk or in your bag so that you can avoid using disposable plastic cutlery when eating meals at work.

Use cloth napkins or handkerchiefs: Instead of using disposable paper napkins or tissues, opt for cloth napkins or handkerchiefs that can be washed and reused.

Avoid individually packaged snacks: Choose snacks that come in bulk or larger packages rather than individually wrapped items to reduce plastic waste.

Encourage office recycling: Advocate for proper recycling practices in your workplace by setting up recycling bins and educating colleagues on what can and cannot be recycled.

Promote a plastic-free policy: Work with your colleagues or management to implement a plastic-free policy at work, encouraging the use of reusable items and reducing plastic consumption.

Use digital alternatives: Minimize the use of paper and plastic by opting for digital alternatives. Store documents electronically, send emails instead of paper memos, and use electronic signatures whenever possible.

Raise awareness: Educate your colleagues about the environmental impact of single-use plastic and the benefits of adopting plastic-free practices. Organize workshops or awareness campaigns to promote sustainable habits in the workplace.


Ogyre is a lifestyle, a catalyst for change.

If you believe the Earth deserves better, then Ogyre is what you need.

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