Sharing values on the one hand, and the goal of protecting our seas and the Earth on the other. The new partnership between Ogyre and YOOX rests on these two great pillars.

YOOX, thanks to top customers SuperStar program, will support Ogyre's "fishing for litter" project, an initiative promoted in various European countries, including Italy, which provides for the collection of waste by fishermen during fishing activities.
Through this collaboration, YOOX will help collect 4,250 KG of marine waste, which will then be deposited by the fishermen themselves in special containers aboard the boats and subsequently appropriately disposed of on land. Thanks to the partnership with Ogyre, YOOX will be able to contribute to the safeguarding of our seas and continue to set an example in the fashion scene, providing its customers with options and knowledge to make informed choices in order to preserve the health of the planet, and ultimately of our ocean.
For us, at Ogyre this represents a concrete example of how the business world can contribute to safeguarding the planet, promoting a lifestyle that is more attentive to the environment and to the sustainability and future
of each of us.